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Snap, Crackle, Pop! Oh no! Not my light switch!

Save the sound effects for your cereal bowl. Does your light switch make a pop sound? Or, did you hear a single loud pop? If so, there’s a good chance you need to replace your light switch. 

Don’t worry, SJ Electric is here to help. This article is to help you so you know what to do if your light makes any of these sounds when you flip your light switch.

How Standard Light Switches Works

Electricity is a continuous flow of electrical current. Its power is used to turn on your lights (obviously!). 

Your light switch consists of two terminals that when connected turns your lights on and when disconnected turns your lights off. When the switch is flipped “on”, the power supply wire – a black wire – connects the two terminals and lets electricity flow through to the lights. When the light switch is flipped “off”, the terminal connection is opened thus stopping the electrical flow.

What is causing these sounds to come from your light switch?

All electrical currents generate heat. This heat is contained by the rubber insulation you find around wires. If electricity escapes the wiring, heat can build up quickly, causing a fire hazard. Faulty or loose connections anywhere in your electric circuit may cause arcing –  where the current jumps through the air between disconnected wires.

Your light switches are used tens of times a day. This continual use causes the components in the switch to wear down or even malfunction as time goes on. If your light switch is not making proper contact between the two terminals when the switch is on, the power flow will not be constant. When you hear your light switch makes a pop sound, you’re hearing your current arc. If you notice these sounds coming from your light switch, you need to replace the switch.

Call a professional when you need help

If you have limited electrical experience, you may be able to replace your light switch without the help of a professional. However, if you don’t have prior experience with electrical systems, you should leave it to an expert. Electricity can be dangerous and if you don’t know what you are doing you could not only harm yourself but also anyone in your home and even damage your property..

By calling the experts, you can diagnose the underlying issue and be confident in knowing that your problem will be properly repaired. This confidence is invaluable when it comes to your home’s electrical. Contact SJ Electric today!
