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As the cold season approaches, it’s time to start and winterize your home to protect it from the elements this holiday season. The midwest winter brings harsh temperatures and unpredictable weather that can bring serious damage to your home. You need to be thinking about the best ways to keep your house safe from the winter elements without causing a spike up in your utility bills or making bigger costs down the line.

There are various affordable methods you can use to get ready for winter, and some of them might even help lower your utility bills. The best option is to go through each room in your house and check the windows, doors, vents, pipes, and ceiling fans for any damage. If you come across any problems, don’t panic—many of these issues have easy solutions, and taking care of them now will save you a lot of stress and hassle down the road.

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The Best Tips To Winterize Your Home

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Reverse Your Fans

Most homes have ceiling fans in most rooms nowadays, but few people use them in winter. What many homeowners don’t realize is that reversing your ceiling fan to make it spin the other way can help reduce the electricity or gas bill, and keep the house warm at the same time, because it circulates all the warm air (which rises to the ceiling) back down. If you’re unsure how to do it with your fans, look up some instructions online according to the brand and model you have.

Check Your Vents

You will want to check the vents all around your house, no matter the type of heat you have, to ensure they are blowing properly and there are no blockages. Clean the vents well–you can unscrew the covers and give them a good swipe with antibacterial wipes–and check any filters in place for cleanliness as well. The increased use of air conditioners during summer months can lead to moisture, bacteria, and mold around the house. For more information on how to check and repair these areas, please read on.

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Seal Your Doors And Windows

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The temperature changes outdoors can affect your doors and windows at home, since the wood can either expand or contract and cause cracks or splits. Check all your windowpanes and doorframes, and if you see any problems, seal them with caulk. You can also fix large gaps under doors with a thick piece of weather stripping, which will prevent cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping.

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Don’t Forget About The Outside Of Your Home

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As the winter approaches, there are various areas around the perimeter of your home that might need some attention. Such things as gutters, patio furniture, any tools you use for the lawn, and the swimming pool need to be treated to winterize your home. Gutters should be cleared of any debris and leaves to make room for a wet winter, patio furniture should be packed away for spring, lawn tools should be stored in a shed or garage, and the pool should be covered to protect it from bad weather. You can find a huge selection of covers at different price points here.

Before attempting any home renovations, keep in mind that some projects are better left to professionals. Though there are easy fixes for many issues, some-like electrical, plumbing, or fireplace/chimney problems-should be handled by those who know what they’re doing. You may have to spend some money now, but it could save you thousands in repairs later.

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