Similar to maintaining your health with daily routines and occasional grooming, don’t forget about your home’s electrical system! Just like a yearly check-up keeps you in tip-top shape, giving your electrical system some TLC can save you from too many shocking surprises.

As the best electrician in Shawnee, we have seen firsthand the consequences of neglecting proper electrical safety practices. From minor shocks and burns to major fires and electrocution, accidents can happen if you don’t take the necessary precautions.

Being on top of your electrical system keeps it running at optimum capacity longer. Here is what you need to do keep this system maintained:

Get an Inspection – Call the best electrician in Shawnee and have them do a comprehensive inspection of your home. See if all your wiring is working properly, and make sure everything is working well.

Get a New Panel – If a panel is malfunctioning or not working at its top capacity, the best electrician in Shawnee might be just the thing. Call them in to update your panel to NEC codes.

Check Your Outlets with a Multimeter – A multimeter is a tool that measures voltage. It can be used to diagnose issues with circuits, outlets, and check batter.

Adjust Your Thermostat – Lowering your thermostat by just one degree can save you up to 3% on your heating bill. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature when you’re not home or while you’re sleeping.

Install Solar Panels – If you have the means and live in a location with ample sunlight, consider installing solar panels on your roof. This renewable energy source can drastically reduce your electricity bill and even potentially earn you money by selling excess energy back to the grid.

Use Natural Light – Take advantage of natural light during the day by opening curtains and blinds instead of relying solely on artificial lighting. Not only will this save energy, but it also has been shown to improve mood and productivity.


Best Electrician in Shawnee


Unplug Unused Electronics – Many electronics continue to use energy even when they are turned off. The best electrician in Shawnee suggests unplugging anything that is not being used often.

Dust Appliances – An electrician in Shawnee reminds you to dust appliances regularly. If dust accumulates on electronics, it makes them function terribly. This is because dirt gets inside the device and reduces performance.

Switch to Energy Saving Devices – Want to lower your utility bill? Have the best electrician in Shawnee stop in and upgrade all your appliances to lower your bills.

Double check cords and wires – Replace damaged or frayed wires. These can be serious hazards.

Add USB outlets – Are you using too may extension cords? Or overpopulating your outlets? Add outlets with USB portals that will trip the breaker in case there is a fire hazard.

Put in Surge Projectors – Because we are all plugged in these days, a typical family in the United States consumes a great deal of power. We have so many electronics that we just use to function every day. From cell phones to working from home offices, we are constantly consuming energy. As a result of this usage, power surges are widespread.

Upgrade to LED Bulbs – Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are the newest on the scene lighting technologies. Our electrician in Shawnee recommends LED lights because they are: efficient, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly.

Childproof Your Power Outlets – Make sure to install Tamper Resistant Receptacles (TRRs) on all outlets. TRRs are a cheap and effective way to prevent children from sticking objects and body parts into an open or unused socket. TRRs come with built-in safety shutters that block anything from being inserted into the receptacle.

Check Your Light Switches – Do you have flickering or dimming lights? You may need an electrician in Shawnee to come and check your switches.


Best Electrician in Shawnee


Use Power Strips – Plug your electronics into a power strip and turn it off when not in use. This will prevent them from drawing standby power, also known as vampire energy, while they are not being used. A power strip is also a great way to protect your devices from power surges.

Unplug Chargers – Even when chargers are not actively charging a device, they still draw small amounts of electricity if left plugged in. Make sure to unplug chargers when not in use to save on energy usage and reduce the risk of overheating or starting an electrical fire.

Replace Old Appliances – Old appliances tend to be less efficient and consume more energy than newer models. Consider replacing old appliances, especially refrigerators and air conditioners, with newer energy-efficient ones to save on your electricity bill.

Turn Off Lights – This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to always turn off lights when you leave a room. This will not only save energy but also extend the life of your light bulbs.

Use CFL or LED Bulbs – Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Consider switching to these types of bulbs.

Upgrade Your Home to 220 Volt Service – Almost all homes run on a 220-volt electrical system. Not every appliance needs the same voltage. Make sure your electrical system is upgraded to this especially if you have an old home that your local electrician in Shawnee can check.



If you’re searching for a trusted and experienced Shawnee commercial electrician, SJ Electric is here to serve you. We are the premier electrical repair company in Shawnee, providing the best electrical solutions for our customers. Our team of experts specializes in all aspects of electrical work, including electrical wiring in Shawnee, fire alarm installation in Shawnee, as well as voice and data services in Shawnee.

As a reputable name in the industry, SJ Electric has transformed the electrical repair sector in Olathe with our innovative solutions and exceptional customer service. Our workers take in their craft, it’s been that way since day one. We ensure that your project is executed with the highest level of professionalism and accuracy – every time.


Best Electrician in Shawnee


With over 15 years of experience, SJ Electric serves the greater Kansas City area, providing the best electrical services to our clients. Our team is equipped with advanced tools and technology, so we can deliver superior services that meet your requirements efficiently and quickly.

At SJ Electric, we understand that each project is unique and requires a tailored approach. Our goal at SJ Electric is to make sure that every electrical job is done correctly, the first time around. Our commercial electrician in Shawnee will work with you, comprehensively examining your needs and offering a range of options and solutions to meet them.

SJ Electric guarantees the highest level of performance and workmanship for our clients. From regular maintenance to emergency repairs and new installations, we are here to help. Contact SJ Electric today at 913-837-3549 for a free estimate and let one of our Shawnee electricians show you why we’re the best in the business.


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